Clutter Clean
CleanSquare Cleaning Service LLC
A clutter clean is when your house is so overwhelmed by stuff and you desperately need to get organized and make a walkway. Don’t be embarrassed, life just gets busy especially when you have children.

During a clutter clean, we sort through things. We put away toys, clothes, and other things we find. We find out where things go and if it doesn’t have a place, we make a place. We throw out the trash and straighten everything up. We vacuum or sweep and mop floors.
This is an organization type of clean. Clutter Clean-Ups can be combined with our Basic Clean or Deep Clean Services. After you get organized, we can come regularly to keep your home organized and clean.
CleanSquare Clutter Clean Services Include:
- An assigned case manager that will “ hold your hand “ through the whole process
- No judgments will be made
- Case managers and our trained assistants will be compassionate and caring throughout the whole process
- Blank vehicles not advertising what we are doing
- No conversations with anyone except you or your designated representative.
- Sorting and organizational services